Sara is a physical therapist currently evaluating and treating patients of all ages at Fultz Physical Therapy & Joint Rehab. She is a board-certified specialist in pediatric physical therapy with a special interest in transitional care: bridging the gap between pediatric and adult therapy services. Sara graduated from Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences in Rochester, MN, with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in 2017. She worked over four years at Shriners Hospitals for Children in Shreveport in pediatric orthopedics. She is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and an APTA Certified Clinical Instructor. Sara has lectured on pediatric orthotics and lower extremity bracing at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. She is working to continue to improve in Spanish speaking and comprehension to be able to better serve patients from diverse backgrounds in the area.
Sara enjoys swimming, running, reading, and trying, time and again, to grow a successful garden, with the help of her dog and cat: Mumford and El Gato.”